Healing F*cking Sucks

Welcome to the Healing Fucking Sucks Podcast where we figure out how to stop living in pain and focus on healing mentally, physically and spiritually. Through education and speaking our stories out loud we can become the badasses that we are meant to be. Abuse and trauma thrive in silence. DONT BE SILENT! TELL YOUR STORY! YOU AND YOUR STORY MATTER!! We all heal differently and this podcast has a variety of options for everyone. After decades of abuse I knew it was time to truly heal. Through my healing journey, I hope to help you heal. This community is for anyone suffering from Mental Health, Trama or Abuse of any kind. This is a non-judgmental place to get the information you need to start your healing journey for free💜🙏🫶🤗 LETS HEAL TOGETHER

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7 days ago

The conversation explores the gut-brain connection and the importance of gut health for overall well-being. It discusses how the gut and brain are interconnected and how imbalances in the gut can lead to various health issues, including anxiety, depression, and Parkinson's disease. The conversation emphasizes the need to take care of the gut through proper nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle choices. It also highlights the importance of individualized approaches to gut health, as everyone's microbiome and dietary needs are unique. The conversation explores the connection between gut health and mental health, focusing on topics such as the impact of diet on the gut, the role of the gut microbiome, and the potential for healing mental health issues through gut health. The discussion emphasizes the importance of a healthy gut in managing inflammation, treating conditions like autism and schizophrenia, and improving overall mental well-being. The conversation also touches on the use of supplements and personalized approaches to gut health, as well as the need for a holistic approach that includes psychotherapy and other modalities.
The gut-brain connection is a vital link that influences overall health and well-being.Imbalances in the gut can lead to various health issues, including anxiety, depression, and Parkinson's disease.Taking care of the gut involves proper nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle choices.Individualized approaches to gut health are necessary, as everyone's microbiome and dietary needs are unique. The gut plays a crucial role in mental health, and a healthy gut can help manage inflammation and improve overall well-being.While diet and supplementation can have a significant impact on gut health, a personalized approach is necessary to address individual needs.Conditions like autism and schizophrenia can benefit from interventions that support gut health, such as omega fatty acids and probiotics.Healing mental health issues requires a multifaceted approach that includes addressing gut health, psychotherapy, and other modalities.It's important to be kind to yourself and others, as everyone is fighting battles that may not be visible.
IG- dr_shiloh_speaks

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024

In this episode, David Bennett, a hypnotist, author, and coach, discusses his background in hypnosis and psychology and how he started creating content on TikTok. He shares his insights on toxic relationships and explains why he views them as addiction. David also talks about his personal experiences and interest in relationships, the importance of being single, and the process of self-discovery and self-love. He provides tips for recognizing when you're ready for a new relationship and emphasizes the importance of doing the healing work. Finally, David offers advice on staying uplifted in toxic situations. In this conversation, David Bennett discusses the importance of taking small actions to overcome overwhelm and make positive changes in life. He also explains the concept of hypnosis and how it can be used to access the unconscious mind. David shares his approach to coaching and the tools he uses to help clients heal and make positive changes. He emphasizes the significance of being mindful of where we direct our time, energy, and attention. Finally, he encourages listeners to love themselves, love others, and be kind to themselves and others.
Taking small actions can help overcome overwhelm and lead to positive changes.Hypnosis is a way to access the unconscious mind and make changes at a deep level.Coaching can involve a combination of hypnosis, tools, and exercises to support healing and personal growth.Being mindful of where we direct our time, energy, and attention is crucial for personal development.Moving on from toxic relationships requires focusing on healing and redirecting our focus towards positive growth.
TikTok- David Bennett Hypnosis @dtbennett
Linktree- https://direct.me/dtbennett

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024

In this conversation, Beanie Chalfant shares her experience of being in an abusive relationship with a narcissist. She discusses how she met her abuser and the rapid progression of the relationship. Beanie talks about the love bombing stage and how she fell for the narcissist's manipulative tactics. She also reveals the physical and sexual abuse she endured, as well as the stalking and threats she faced. Beanie emphasizes the importance of taking back her power and finding peace without needing to forgive her abuser. In this conversation, Beany shares her experience of surviving and healing from an abusive relationship. She discusses the importance of forgiveness and releasing negative energy, as well as the impact of sexual abuse. Beany also talks about her journey of leaving the abusive relationship, beating cancer, and finding love and happiness. She emphasizes the power of healing and the importance of supporting survivors of abuse.
Abusive relationships with narcissists often start with love bombing and rapid progression.Victims may not recognize the red flags of abuse if they haven't experienced it before.Abusers use manipulation, physical abuse, and threats to control their victims.Taking back power and finding peace can be more important than forgiveness.Sharing experiences and supporting others can be empowering and healing. Forgiveness is about releasing negative energy and letting go, rather than excusing or condoning the actions of abusers.Survivors of abuse often face challenges in leaving the abusive relationship, but it is possible to break free and rebuild their lives.Healing from abuse involves addressing trauma bonds, seeking support, and taking steps to prioritize self-care and well-being.Survivors can find strength and empowerment in sharing their stories and raising awareness about abuse.Supporting survivors of abuse requires empathy, understanding, and providing resources and safe spaces for healing.
Sound Bites
"My thriving was my biggest revenge on him.""I personally sent everything out to not just his family but also his ex-wife's family.""As long as you are at peace and you're a good person and you're doing great things now, whatever your process is, it seems to be working for you.""I forgive a lot of people for a lot of things, but in this instant, nah, not happening. Not for me.""It's the release of all of that negative toxic energy that's gotten inside of you that hate and letting it go.""Yes, it can and it did for me like throughout the course of you know the decade that I was with him."
Where can I find Beany Chalfant
IG & TikTok- Breakthroughswithbeany 
Link Tree- https://breakthroughswithbeany.typeform.com/to/ukPFi4gi?typeform-source=trout-cod-d9he.squarespace.com

Monday Apr 22, 2024

In this episode, Randy White interviews Jackey Hall, the creator and host of the Healing Fucking Sucks podcast. They discuss Jackey's journey of healing from narcissistic abuse and the inspiration behind starting her podcast. Jackey shares the steps she took to heal, including education, therapy, journaling, and inner and spiritual work. They also touch on the importance of addressing childhood trauma and forgiving oneself and others. Triggers and how to overcome them are also discussed. In this conversation, Jackey Hall and Randy White discuss the process of healing from narcissistic abuse. They share their personal experiences and insights on topics such as battling negative thoughts, the impact of narcissistic abuse on one's spirit, and the importance of faith and letting go of control. They also touch on the importance of helping others and highlight the issue of human trafficking. The conversation concludes with a discussion on personal growth and the importance of being authentic in relationships.
Healing from narcissistic abuse is a journey that requires education, therapy, and inner work.
Addressing childhood trauma is essential for healing and understanding the root causes of certain behaviors and patterns.
Forgiveness, both of oneself and others, plays a crucial role in the healing process.
Triggers can be anything that brings back memories of past abuse, and it's important to develop strategies to overcome them. Battling negative thoughts is a crucial part of the healing process from narcissistic abuse. It is important to replace negative thoughts with positive ones and engage in activities that bring joy and laughter.
Narcissistic abuse can have a profound impact on one's spirit, leading to a loss of optimism and a sense of brokenness. Healing involves acknowledging and accepting this loss while finding ways to rebuild and grow.
Faith and letting go of control are essential in the healing journey. Trusting in a higher power and surrendering to the unknown can lead to a more beautiful and fulfilling life.
Helping others, particularly those who have experienced trauma such as human trafficking, can be a powerful way to heal and find purpose. Getting involved and making a difference can bring about personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself.
Being authentic and setting boundaries are crucial in relationships. It is important to prioritize self-respect and surround oneself with people who are willing to acknowledge their mistakes and work on their own healing.
Coach Randy White on all platforms 

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

In this conversation, Jackey Hall interviews Eleni, an abuse educator and author, about her book on covert abuse. They discuss the process of writing the book and the importance of making it accessible to the general public. They also explore the insidious nature of covert abusers and the difficulty in detecting their toxic behavior. Eleni shares her personal experiences with narcissistic abuse and highlights the need for awareness and accountability. They emphasize the importance of recognizing the red flags and setting boundaries to protect oneself from further harm. In this conversation, Eleni discusses her experiences with narcissistic abuse and the importance of recognizing the red flags. She shares insights into the tipping points in abusive relationships, such as cohabitation and major life events. The rise of narcissism in society is also explored, with Eleni discussing the impact of increased awareness and the need for change. The conversation emphasizes the importance of speaking out and warning others about abusive individuals. Finally, Eleni shares information about her coaching services and where to find her online.
Writing a book on covert abuse requires extensive research and personal healing.
Covert abusers often appear kind and charismatic, making it difficult for others to recognize their toxic behavior.
Closure should come from within, as seeking it from the abuser may lead to further manipulation.
Recognizing love bombing and setting boundaries are crucial in protecting oneself from narcissistic abuse. Abusers often drop their mask and show their true colors at specific tipping points in a relationship, such as cohabitation or major life events.
The rise of narcissism may be attributed to increased awareness and the ability to connect with others who have experienced similar abuse.
Speaking out and warning others about abusive individuals is crucial for protecting potential victims.
Recognizing red flags and inconsistent behavior is essential in identifying and avoiding abusive relationships.
IG @no_narcsense
TikTok- nonarcsense
link Tree- https://linktr.ee/nonarcsense
Book- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CK3ZFYC7?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_SY73TZ01PQN923TJKAHR&peakEvent=4&dealEvent=1&language=en-US

Thursday Dec 21, 2023

In this episode, Ben Taylor, a self-aware narcissist, shares his journey of discovering and healing from narcissism. He discusses how his narcissistic traits manifested in his relationships and the impact it had on his life. Ben talks about the importance of self-reflection and therapy in his transformation process. He also addresses common misconceptions about narcissists and emphasizes the need for accountability and forgiveness in the healing journey. In this conversation, Ben Taylor discusses the relationship between Christianity and narcissism, the coaching and support he provides, and the importance of seeking help. He also shares his website and social media platforms for those interested in connecting with him.
Narcissism can be a result of childhood trauma and learned behavior, rather than solely genetic.
Narcissists often wear different masks and manipulate their behavior to fit the desires and expectations of different people.
Empathy can be developed in narcissists through therapy and self-reflection, but emotional empathy may still be limited.
Forgiveness is a personal choice and can help survivors release the emotional hold that narcissists have on their lives.
Accountability is crucial for narcissists to acknowledge their actions and work towards healing and transformation. There is no such thing as a Christian narcissistic abuser.
Coaching and support can help individuals navigate the healing process and move from victim to survivor to thriving.
Ben Taylor works with men who have narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) or narcissistic traits, helping them confront their lies and find accountability.
It is important for both victims and individuals with NPD to seek help and support in order to heal and find freedom.
00:00Introduction and Background
01:21Discovering Narcissism
03:02Personality Tests and Self-Reflection
04:46Accepting the Diagnosis
06:33Journey of Healing and Transformation
07:43Misconceptions about Narcissists
08:24Changing for Oneself
09:58Empathy and Emotional Growth
13:28Different Masks for Different People
18:03Understanding Narcissistic Abuse
20:36Multiple Affairs and Manipulation
23:20Different Personas with Different Partners
25:30Love Bombing and Idealization
28:44Running from Shame and Guilt
31:00Healing and Coaching Journey
35:38Accountability and Forgiveness
41:36The Power of Forgiveness
43:26Christianity and Narcissism
48:13Coaching and Support
52:41Helping Men with NPD
54:10Encouragement to Seek Help
55:06Where to Find Ben Taylor

Friday Dec 01, 2023

In this episode, Dr. Shiloh and Jackey Hall discuss intergenerational trauma and its impact on individuals and families. They explore the concept of trauma being passed down through generations and how it can manifest in various ways, including anxiety and unhealthy coping mechanisms. They also discuss the role of spirituality in healing from intergenerational trauma and the importance of breaking the cycle. The conversation highlights the need for self-compassion and support in navigating the effects of intergenerational trauma. In this conversation, Dr. Shiloh discusses the importance of validating feelings and distinguishing them from facts. She emphasizes that just because we feel something doesn't make it true, and encourages listeners to verify their emotions. The conversation also explores living with anxiety and challenging false feelings, as well as the complexity of forgiveness. Dr. Shiloh highlights the importance of learning from traumatic experiences and using them as a learning strategy for personal growth. Additionally, she advises pausing before reacting and gives insights into setting boundaries and effective communication. The conversation concludes with Dr. Shiloh sharing resources for healing and growth.
Website: www.drshilohspeaks.com
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/dr_shiloh_speaks
IG@ dr_shiloh_speaks 
Intergenerational trauma refers to the transmission of trauma from one generation to the next.Trauma can be imprinted on our DNA and passed down through generations.Breaking the cycle of intergenerational trauma requires seeking help, building a support network, and fostering an environment that supports healing.Acknowledging and addressing intergenerational trauma can lead to personal growth and breaking free from unhealthy patterns.Self-compassion and self-love are essential in healing from intergenerational trauma. Validate your feelings but also verify them to distinguish between emotions and facts.Challenge false feelings and remind yourself of the reality of your situation.Forgiveness is a choice and does not necessarily mean forgetting what happened.Learn from traumatic experiences and use them as a learning strategy for personal growth.Pause before reacting and give yourself permission to respond thoughtfully.Set boundaries and practice effective communication to maintain healthy relationships.Explore resources for healing and growth, such as Dr. Shiloh's books and programs.
00:00 Introduction01:34 Intergenerational Trauma06:03 Impact on Adopted Individuals10:57 Nature vs. Nurture11:33 Trauma and Trauma Impact16:03 Generational Curses17:02 Spirituality and Intergenerational Trauma18:07 Breaking the Cycle21:15 Fostering an Environment for Healing23:08 Challenging Holiday Traditions25:45 Fear of the Unknown28:06 Self-Grace and Self-Love29:47 Shame and Silence31:00 Anxiety and Support35:08 Societal Influence on Intergenerational Trauma39:13 Genograms and Family History41:41 Catering to Mind, Body, and Spirit43:00 Discomfort and Support43:40 Acknowledging Feelings44:02 Validating Feelings and Distinguishing Facts45:11 Living with Anxiety and Challenging False Feelings46:09 The Complexity of Forgiveness47:11 Learning from Traumatic Experiences48:22 Pausing Before Reacting49:42 Setting Boundaries and Effective Communication51:06 Resources for Healing and Growth

Wednesday Nov 22, 2023

In this episode, host Jackey Hall interviews Randy White, a viral TikTok creator and narcissistic abuse survivor. They discuss the journey of healing from narcissistic abuse and the impact it has on individuals. They also explore the different types of narcissists and the cycle of love bombing, devaluation, and discard in narcissistic relationships. Randy shares insights into the trauma bond and the brain damage caused by narcissistic abuse. The conversation emphasizes the importance of finding peace and healing after narcissistic abuse. In this conversation, Randy White discusses the healing process after narcissistic abuse and the importance of self-love and understanding. He emphasizes the grieving process and the need to give oneself the same level of love and compassion that was given to the narcissist. Randy also highlights the significance of understanding childhood trauma and how it shapes one's relationships and behaviors. He offers coaching sessions and programs to help individuals navigate the healing journey and transform their lives. The conversation emphasizes the importance of no contact with the abuser and the detrimental effects of breaking that contact. Randy also discusses the importance of discipline and mindset mastery in overcoming the challenges of healing. Finally, he encourages individuals to use their experiences to transform their lives and find their purpose.
Narcissistic abuse is a traumatic experience that can cause brain damage and psychological issues.There are different types of narcissists, including overt and covert narcissists.The cycle of love bombing, devaluation, and discarding is a common pattern in narcissistic relationships.Healing from narcissistic abuse requires self-reflection, setting boundaries, and finding support.Finding peace and healing after narcissistic abuse is possible with self-compassion and self-care. Give yourself the same level of love and compassion that you gave to the narcissist.Understanding childhood trauma is crucial in healing and transforming relationships and behaviors.Coaching sessions and programs can provide guidance and support in the healing journey.Maintaining no contact with the abuser is essential for healing and preventing further manipulation.Discipline and mindset mastery are key in overcoming the challenges of healing and transforming one's life.Use the experience of narcissistic abuse to transform your life and find your purpose.
00:00 Introduction and Background03:57 Going Viral on TikTok08:14 Shining a Light on Narcissistic Abuse11:52 Types of Narcissists19:36 What It's Like to Date a Narcissist25:26 The Trauma Bond and Brain Damage36:19 Finding Peace and Healing43:57 The Grieving Process47:03 Understanding Childhood Trauma51:13 Coaching Sessions and Programs55:47 Importance of No Contact59:43 Discipline and Mindset Mastery01:02:20 Transforming Your Life After Narcissistic Abuse01:03:20 Promotion and Contact Information
Thank you SO MUCH for coming onto the podcast Randy! It was a pleasure!!
-Jackey Hall
TikTok- IG- YouTube @coachrandywhite
Website-Brand- Only Quality People Lifestyle Apparel (OQP) IG-   @oqp_official

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023

In this episode, the host and guest discuss mental health and their personal experiences with narcissistic abuse. They explore the meaning of mental health and the challenges of defining it in a uniform way. The conversation then shifts to the topic of narcissism, with the hosts sharing their stories of being in relationships with narcissists. They discuss the impact of deception and duplicity in these relationships and the long-lasting effects of neglect. The hosts also highlight the importance of breaking generational patterns and the difference between abuse and narcissistic abuse. The episode concludes with a discussion on being swindled by narcissists and the manipulation tactics they employ. In this part of the conversation, Kerry, Jackey, and Tara discuss their experiences in long-distance relationships, the impact of love bombing and intermittent reinforcement, the effects of narcissistic abuse, and the challenges of making questionable decisions. They also share their journeys of healing, including the importance of writing and self-love. The conversation highlights the difficulties of isolation and loneliness, as well as the need to focus on priorities and overcome challenges. In this conversation, Jackey Hall discusses her healing process and the importance of giving oneself grace and time to heal. She emphasizes that healing looks different for everyone and there is no set timeframe for recovery. Jackey also shares her decision to avoid entering into another relationship as a way to solve her problems, recognizing the need to address underlying issues. She highlights the challenges of dealing with narcissism and trauma and the importance of sharing stories to create a sense of unity. The conversation concludes with the guests providing their contact information.
Mental health is the ability to manage one's emotions and needs without disrespecting others.Narcissistic abuse involves deception, manipulation, and a lack of empathy.Neglect can have long-lasting effects on a person's well-being.Breaking generational patterns is crucial for healing and creating healthier relationships.Narcissists can swindle and manipulate their victims into doing things they wouldn't normally do. Long-distance relationships can present unique challenges and may require continuous effort to maintain a strong connection.Love bombing and intermittent reinforcement can blind individuals to the red flags and manipulative behavior of narcissistic partners.Narcissistic abuse can lead to feelings of worthlessness and a distorted sense of self.Writing and journaling can be powerful tools for healing and gaining clarity in the aftermath of a toxic relationship.Practicing self-love involves intentional actions that prioritize self-care and setting boundaries.Isolation and loneliness can be significant challenges during the healing process, and seeking support from therapists, coaches, or support groups can be beneficial.Focusing on priorities and taking small steps towards personal growth can help individuals navigate the healing journey. Healing is a personal journey that takes time and self-compassion.Avoid rushing into new relationships as a way to escape or solve problems.Dealing with narcissism and trauma can be challenging, especially when it has been experienced over multiple generations.Finding moments of ease and gratitude can provide relief during the healing process.
00:00 Introduction and Appreciation01:23 Meaning of Mental Health03:44 Mental Health Crisis and Stigmas06:13 Introduction to Narcissism09:05 Personal Stories of Narcissistic Abuse14:59 Deception and Duplicity in Narcissistic Relationships21:13 Neglect and its Impact25:56 Breaking Generational Patterns29:14 Difference Between Abuse and Narcissistic Abuse35:56 Being Swindled by Narcissists43:15 Long-Distance Relationship Challenges46:46 The Power of Love Bombing48:26 The Effects of Intermittent Reinforcement50:32 The Impact of Narcissistic Abuse55:48 Making Questionable Decisions58:22 Finding Strength and Healing01:05:21 Navigating the Healing Journey01:09:13 Finding Focus in Difficult Times01:14:59 The Healing Power of Writing01:16:34 The Importance of Self-Love01:23:14 Dealing with Isolation and Loneliness01:25:43 Overcoming Challenges and Focusing on Priorities01:26:09 The Healing Process01:28:01 Avoiding Rebound Relationships01:28:55 Dealing with Narcissism and Trauma01:29:26 Finding Moments of Ease01:30:09 Closing Remarks and Contact Information
Tara Blair Ball
IG- tara.relationshipcoach
Podcast- Breaking Free From Narcissistic Abuse & The ADHD Couple Podcast
https://beacons.ai/tara.relationshipc... https://tarablairball.ck.page/a9a926d172
Kerry Kerr McAvoy PhD
IG- Kerrymcavoyphd
Podcast- Breaking Free From Narcissistic Abuse https://kerrymcavoyphd.com/links/ Book- Love You More- https://www.amazon.com/Love-You-More-...

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023

Welcome to another episode of Healing F*cking Sucks. In today's episode, Jackey goes into detail about where she is at on her healing journey mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. She is RAW, vulnerable, and very honest.  


Healing F*cking Sucks 

Welcome to the Healing F*cking Sucks Podcast. I am your host Jackey Hall. I am a mental health advocate who has struggled with Clinical depression, Generalized Anxiety, ED, OCD, Panic disorder, and Social anxiety. I am on a personal healing journey and thought it would be fun to bring all of you with me as I interview psychiatrists, therapists, mental health advocates, and spiritual healers from around the world to discuss treatment options, knowledge, and techniques for inner healing and mental health. This is a one-stop shop for those of you who are struggling to find answers. As I heal I hope to help you heal as well! Buckle up everyone this is going to be a bumpy ride. Healing is never fun or easy but it is so worth it in the end!

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